The pseudo-random data are widely applied in digital signal processing. White noise data is the basis of generating random data, which has the expected probability distribution. 伪随机噪声在数字信号处理中具有重要的实用价值,白噪声是产生具有指定概率分布的伪随机噪声的基础。
Finally, the process above is demonstrated with an example of writing a User-Written Subroutine for creating a series of pseudo-random values which accords with the normal distribution. 通过编制产生服从正态分布的伪随机数的用户自定义函数的实例,详细介绍了上述技术的实现过程。
Excellent stream ciphers need a high pseudo-randomness, that is to say the key stream bits need to meet the Golomb pseudo-random theorem: balance, correlation and run-length distribution. 优秀的流密码算法要求所产生的密钥流具有高度的伪随机性,即需要满足Golomb伪随机三公设:均衡性、自相关性、游程分布。